Sunday, November 25, 2012

Keep your facebook account secure

Facebook is a top level social networking and community site now a day. Anyone can communicate and share his feelings among his friends and family, groups, pages etc. But many of users of facebook don’t know about security of it. As a result many unwanted happens occurred regularly. Using this good network, many crimes are now available. Some are in tensioned for personal information’s, some are tensioned with his abusive presentation of his/her photos and so on. As a result many of its user thought that, facebook is not a good social site as there is chance to loss personality. But fact is that if we use facebook with some security guideline, it can be our best social site.

So this is the time to be aware to secure use of facebook. Here some tips on how you can increase your facebook account security and became safe-

01.Don’t share your password to anyone.
02.Add and verify your mobile and alternate email address so that you can reset your password if forgotten.
03.Enable secure browsing.
04.Always use updated browser.
05.Keep password of your email (which you use for facebook account) protect and don't share to anyone.
     Because, using this email account anyone can hack your facebook account.
06.Enable login notification via text.
07.Enable 2 way login via mobile text.
08.Don’t save your login id and password in your browser.
09.Don’t allow any apps that’s you don’t know and that’s require permission to access your personal data 
     like email, birthday, username, password etc.
10.Stop tag permission of you on someone’s photo.
11.Don’t like pages those are include pornography photos and videos, erotic materials, spam links etc.
12.Logout after use facebook every time.
13.Don’t click links provided by friends on chatting, which links is completely unknown to you. These links
     my contains spam or phishing url to hack your information.
14.At the time you click a facebook links for your needs, don’t forget to check the url of facebook is right or
     wrong. A right facebook url must be start with like- “……” or “….”

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