Friday, November 16, 2012

Clear unnecessary event files and make your computer faster

Windows operating system creates many Event files on computer memory to process applications. When many event files are stored, it reduces speed of computer. You should clean these event file from computer.

To clean event files-
 - Right click on “My Computer” from desktop and click on “Manage” option.
 - From right side options of dialogue box, double click on “System Tools”.
 - Double click on “Event Viewer”.
 - Then double click on “Application”

Look at right side, there are a list of many events. To clear all these events-

 - Go to menu bar of top and click on Action.
 - Click on clear all Events. (If Clear option doesn’t appear from Action menu, click Refresh option from 
    Action. The Clear option will appear.) A dialogue box will open. Click No.

All event files will clear and your computer will be faster. Use this process often in a week.

1 comment:

  1. Can i clear system and security event files? Have any problem?


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