Sunday, October 21, 2012

Refresh your computer automatically without hand-touch

By refreshing computer often, makes computer rearrange and refresh all files on it. So it can work fast. We always used to refresh from right click from mouse. Today I describe how to refresh computer automatically without your hand touch.

To do this just follow these simple steps bellow-
  1. Go to Start Menu> Run
  2. Type “regedit” and press enter.
  3. From left side menu bar double click on- “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE”.
  4. Under that from left side double click on- “CurrentControlSet”.
  5. Under that from left side double click on- “Control”.
  6. Under that from left side double click on- “Update”.
  7. Now from right side, double click on “UpdateMode”
  8. At the “Value data” field, change the value “0” instead of “1” and click “OK”.
  9. Restart computer.
Now your computer will refresh automatically without your hand touch.


  1. Hi friends,
    Wow!!!! its such a new idea to refresh computer automatically without hand-touch ...i am impress .

    Computer shop in Bhubaneswar

  2. Thank you for interesting information. Can you please tell me that how often it refreshes the computer

    1. Thanks for your interest.
      Usually it refreshes within 5 minutes.


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